
The Surge in India’s Luxury Residential Market: An In-Depth Analysis

India's tradition of luxurious living has evolved, reflecting the growing affluence of India's upper classes. Premium brands in fashion, cars, and hospitality have created a lifestyle of opulence. The luxury residential market has grown 5% in Mumbai and Delhi NCR. Despite challenges, the sector shows resilience and growth, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. As India modernizes, the demand for luxury living is expected to create new opportunities for the real estate sector.

Urban Living Struggles: Unraveling the Financial Challenges of Homeownership in India’s Megacities

Living in the hustle and bustle of India's megacities, the dream of owning a home comes with its own set of challenges, especially when we look into the financial aspects of homeownership. As an Indian navigating the urban landscape, it's essential to unravel the financial struggles many families face to find a home. Recent data sheds light on the stark reality of homeownership in megacities like...

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